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Technical difficulties

The “damage control coordinator” longs for retirement.  It has been a long run.  At least thirty-five years of service.  I think we have both earned the respite.

Unfortunately, that will have to wait.  The joys and pains of technology.  I rely heavily these days on these keys.  I tried to take great care to reap as much value as I could from my limited budget when I purchased this machine.  To ensure that I could proceed with my work.  And, the “coordinator” pulled no stops in negotiating.  Eventually coming to a compromise that has allowed for a few very productive months.

Last week, however, another glitch hit and I have no remedy but to be without this tool for, at least, a few days.   I am grateful to say that, for the first time in my life, I am not losing my marbles over the whole thing.  You see, the “coordinator” has had an apprentice for the past three years, waiting in the wings for her moment.  The “wise mind” I have been developing in Dialectical Behavioural Therapy,  combined with and clarified by other psychological (not pharmaceutical) treatments, is almost ready to take the reins.

Time for a test run with the refurbisher…


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